Tuesday, July 12, 2005


My 13yr old niece and 15yr old nephew are visiting for the week. They are teaching me all kinds of things. For example today they taught me about throwing fart balls. For all you virgin fart ballers out there I'll give you a quick lesson: First you fart. As you are doing this you try and catch the rancid smelling air in the palms of your hands and trap it there. Then you quickly lob through the air at some poor unsuspecting individual (or your sister, brother or aunt). Then you run like hell cackling maniacly until you have reached the safety of a door to a room that has a good strong lock. Then your brother/sister/aunt hunts you down and beats the living tar out of you. And this, kids, we call birthcontrol. (for me at least). What exactly does one do to amuse a 13 and 15yr old?


Hobbes said...

Sounds like a new national pastime.

Erika said...

Oh, if the world were only so perfect!

Jenny said...

That is hilarious!

Maddie said...

Nothing like free birth control!

Erika said...

Melliferous pants, once again, if the world were only so perfect.

Cassiopeia said...

We used to call those Scooby Snacks :).

RagDoll said...

Oh my! THAT is funny. I can only pray that this tactic does not fall into the hands of my brother in law.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. For the record, it was a bright red cherry slurpee.