From the proud participants of the disco nap I am
pleased to bring you...
Taxidermy Pinata making: Two great crafts combined
for oh so tasty results!
I am in Leipzig. It is obscenely lovely here. I am
so tired I think that my eyeballs are bleeding. But
sometimes it is a damn shame to sleep away a day. yet
Sometimes you must. I flew all night.
I visited the church where Johann Sebastian Bach was
the organist. He is also interred there. I felt
close to god. And that is saying something as I am
quite the little agnostic. Bach can do that. There
is music everywhere here. It ricochets off the
cobbles and red tile roofs. Everywhere there is a
young jeans clad string trio playing on a pedestrian
street or two old men standing on a street corner
playing duets on an accordion. I could live here.
Home soon.