Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ross the Mystery Food Chef

Now that Ross is 30 he has officially lost his mind. I had suspected long ago that he was on his way. But dinner the other night is absolute confirmation. Ross cooked. He made a casserole. I think. Trust me, words couldn't do it justice.

Firstly, he is an oddly suspicious and paranoid cook allowing no one into the kitchen while he prepares. But judging by the taste, texture and colors of food and also the packaging remains I found in the garbage I will try to decode his recipe for you:

Ross's Recipe:

lots of eggs
Frozen Spinach
Whole Olives
Tuna Fish
Diced Tomato

Mix all together and pour into baking dish.
Cook 45 minutes or until the voices in your head tell you that it is done. Enjoy!

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